Education: BA, University of Oregon, 1998; MEd, University of Oregon, 2000; EdD, Seattle Pacific University, 2010. At SPU since 2011.
David W. Denton, EdD, joined the School of Education at Seattle Pacific University after teaching junior high and middle school students for 10 years. While he was in the schoolhouse, Dr. Denton taught a variety of subjects, including science, language arts, and physical education. However, he spent most of his time instructing students in mathematics and social studies. In 2005, Dr. Denton earned National Board Certification in early adolescent mathematics. He also has experience coaching junior high sports for 11 seasons.
Dr. Denton’s research focuses on the use of instructional practices for improving student achievement. He is particularly interested in understanding how instructional technology can be used to enhance engagement, deepen content understanding, and promote reflective thinking.
Dr. Denton has written articles on the use of basic instructional practices, as well as instructional technology, for audiences including both researchers and teacher-practitioners. He is past editor of Curriculum in Context, an online journal for Washington State educators, and President-Elect for the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education. In 2012, Dr. Denton received the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education scholar award. And, in 2011, Dr. Denton’s dissertation was recognized by the Washington Educational Research Association for its contribution toward improving instructional practices in secondary classrooms.

Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Together: Reflective Assessments for Middle and High School Mathematics, with Arthur Ellis
Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, 2010
Selected Publications
- Denton, D. W. & Sink, C. (2015). “Preserving the social studies as core curricula in an era of common core reform.” Journal of Social Studies Education Research 6(2), 1-17. Retrieved from
- Denton, D. W. (2013) “Responding to edTPA: Transforming Practice or Applying Shortcuts?” AILACTE Journal 10(1), 16–36. Retrieved from
- Denton, D. W. (2012) “Enhancing Instruction through Constructivism, Cooperative Learning, and Cloud Computing.” Tech Trends 56(4), 34–41. doi: 10.1007/s11528-012-0585-1
- Denton, D. W. (2012). “Improving the Quality of Preservice Teachers’ Evidence–Based Writing Entries in Electronic Portfolios.” International Journal of ePortfolio 2(2), 187–197. Retrieved from
- Denton, D.W. (2011, May/June). “The Assignment Journal: A Student-Centered Resource and Organizing System.” Middle Level Learning, 41, 10-15.
- Denton, D.W. (Ed.). (2012, Fall). “Upholding Common Standards: Adopting and Implementing Common Core” 38(2). Curriculum in Context. Retrieved from
Please view Dr. Denton’s CV and Blog for additional publications. Lectures are also available on Dr. Denton’s YouTube Channel.